8 letter blocks

practice-typing-blocks-of-8-letters-left-curly bracket-and-right-curly bracket

{ }


Level 159 Practice - 8 letter blocks: { }

Level description:

Typing 8 letter blocks. Typing letter blocks, also known as practicing touch-typing by focusing on specific letter combinations or key clusters.

When you're comfortable with typing letter blocks, you're less likely to make mistakes or typos when typing words that contain these combinations. This reduces the need for constant backspacing and correcting errors.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Breaks and Stretching : ake short breaks every 30 minutes to stretch your fingers, wrists, and shoulders. Stand up, move around, and stretch your whole body to prevent stiffness.
  2. Monitor Distance : Position your monitor at a comfortable distance, around 20-30 inches away, to avoid eye strain.
  3. Consistent Practice : Regularly practice touch typing to build muscle memory.
  4. Stay Updated : Keep learning about new keyboard shortcuts and techniques.
  5. Up and Down : Train your fingers to travel smoothly between the home row and the top and bottom rows.


Remember, touch typing mastery takes time and consistent effort. Focus on building a strong foundation of accurate typing before aiming for higher speeds. Regular practice, patience, and dedication will lead you to touch typing proficiency.
